NO! Every sunrise shell is different. If you look closely at detail and characteristics, you will notice each shell is totally unique from each other. One of the hardest things to do as a treasure hunter and designer is matching earrings of same color, size, characteristics. Sunrise Shells Hawaii offers beautiful matched earrings. It takes a large collection of shells to be able to match perfectly matched earrings. We also say to customers at our craft shows for example, that we each have our own unique finger print. We are all different. Same as the sunrise shell. Everyone is 1 of 1. No 2 shells or people are 100% identical. Im a twin for example: but if you look closely at my twin brother next to me you will see the difference. Unlike farmed pearls or other man made products, Sunrise Shells are all natural from the Hawaiian Waters and are totally unique with their own story, as we are. It is said that the shell that you select is more like the shell that selects you.